Benefiting from the green economy

My Plan for North Devon 2024 onwards:

Champion North Devon’s unique environment and ensure it is protected alongside our tourism economy as well as positioning North Devon so that it is well placed to optimise investment from new green industries.


A recap on my 2019 priorities:

Protect our Environment

We should be very proud of our local environmental successes and there has been significant government grants and investment, particularly into the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, much of the work has been done by individuals and individual groups. The passion I have for the environment is more than matched by the love shown for North Devon by its residents. I am on the advisory board of the Conservative Environment Network, the largest parliamentary caucus and continue to champion our precious environment.

beach clean


Selaine Saxby MP discuss rural broadband on podcast Over The Farm Gate

For well over a decade, there has been talk of a ‘digital divide’, with people in cities enjoying access to high internet speeds and reliable connections, while those living in the countryside get neither. A recent survey on digital connectivity ran by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes-

Selaine Saxby MP to host North Devon Climate Summit ahead of COP26

Selaine Saxby MP will be hosting the North Devon Climate Summit ahead of the upcoming UN Climate Conference taking place in Glasgow. This event will discuss the purpose of COP26 with North Devon residents and seek their views on current environmental priorities, ahead of writing an open letter

Church Commissioner Questions 17 June 2021

Selaine Saxby MP asks the Second Church Estates Commissioner, Andrew Selous MP, about the role small rural churches and their congregants can play in hitting the Church’s goal of net zero by 2030.

Business Questions - 13 May 2021

I asked the Leader of the House, Jacob Rees-Mogg, if Government time could be allocated to discussing how to deal with the problem of microplastic and nurdles at source.

British meat and dairy products - 28 April 2021

I secured and opened a debate on British meat and dairy products, and argued as to the environmental benefits of the industry and of buying British. Full text of speech can be found here.

Selaine Saxby MP welcomes National Trust's plan for 20 million trees

The National Trust has planted thousands of young saplings in areas across the UK as part of its ambitions to attract more wildlife, create new homes for nature, protect landscapes prone to flooding and to help in the fight against climate change. The conservation charity has planted 60,000 trees o